Saturday, August 7, 2010


Wyatt LOVES to throw the ball, he loves to say "ball" and he recognizes baseball on tv. Must be in his genes! This little boy is a NUT for being outside. I know that is a good thing, so I am not complaining. I like being outside and being active too. (I just like it a little more when it's not 100+ degrees outside). He isn't affected by the heat though! Ah, the joys of youth. He's been teething lately (it seems for the past month) but I am hoping we are coming out on the otherside of it. Today he was an absolute joy, no fussing or carrying on..just a happy little munchkin playing. Not that he's not a joy everyday, but every parent out there knows that fussiness is not fun to be around. :) Today is our wedding anniversary and Brett and I are so thankful to have Wyatt, each other, and, God willing, many more years together!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Time is flying...and we are having fun too!

I can't believe it's has been 3 months since I updated the blog. I guess it's true that you take tons of pictures the first year, then fall off the wagon (so to speak). I have been busy yes, but I need to do better. Wyatt is 15 months now. Can you believe it? I looked at him the other day while he was walking around the kitchen and carrying a cardboard box, talking to himself - and I was overwhelmed by images of him from the day he was born. I hate to admit it, but I teared up. My little boy is growing up so fast. He is walking, talking and being rambunctious as boys are wont to do. He is also going through a hitting phase. But, I am hopeful that will pass as soon as he learns new words to voice his frustrations. So far he says: Mama, Dada, Yia-Yia, Pop, See, Side (outside), Hey and he tries to repeat things that we say too. Which should be evidence to his Daddy to clean up his language around him! Talking on the phone is a new game for him. He loves to hear people on the other end, or just pretend with our old cell phones. If he had his way these days we would be outside 24/7. He LOVES getting in the stroller and going walking. We do it twice a day on weekends and once during the week day. Man, it's HOT..but he loves it. I guess I would do if someone put me in a shaded contraption, gave me ice water and frozen fruit to chew on! People have been commenting on him in random places (read: total strangers) asking how is SHE or saying that the strolling is good for HER. haha!! I don't care. I have a pretty boy and that's ok with me! He gets it honestly because my Daddy was a pretty boy and so is Wyatt's Daddy. Nothing wrong with his big eyes and long eye lashes! Don't let that sweet exterior fool you though. This little man is TOUGH. He carries things all over the house, can throw and kick a ball pretty well. Looks like he may take after the Reed side of the family when it comes to ball sense. There is a long of baseball players on that side. We went to the beach earlier in the summer, just us three and my mother-in-law. We had SUCH a good time and Wyatt absolutely loves the water, beach and everything. We've got a little fish on our hands. Maybe a swim team is in the future. Who knows? He has a mouthful of teeth these days too, which are hard to brush by the way. All he wants to do is eat the toothbrush. Hopefully, a mouthful of cavities aren't in the future! We are enjoying every moment with this little fellow even when he is stepping our our last nerves and trying the patience we didn't even know we had! Hasta Luego!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy First Birthday Wyatt!

We had a good time at Wyatt's party yesterday. It was just a small family party. About all this little Mama could handle. Our esteemed guests included: Yia Yia and Pop (my mama and step-daddy), DeeDee (Brett's Mama), Big Daddy (my Daddy), Natalie (my sister) and Beau (her boyfriend). Wyatt got a lot of fun toys to play with, books to read and summer clothes to wear. Yay!!! He loves his Cozy Coupe and the alligator Chomp Chomp Walker that Mama and Da-Da got him. I am not so sure how he feels about the cake. He ate it up yesterday, but refused a bite of it today, which is fine with me! However, he has taken a shine to the cookies that I made. It's ok though, these sweet treats will not be available to him but once a year. Sugar addiction is not good, believe me...I know this first hand. The cake was/is soooo yummy and turned out just precious. I have to give credit where credit is due, so thank you The Cake Box in Starkville! I can't believe a year has passed since that precious boy came into our lives. He is my heart and I can't imagine life without his precious self in it. I watched him sleep last night and my heart was just so full up of love for him. Now, that's what you call True Love.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

T-Minus 10

Only about 10 more days left until Wyatt turns 1. I don't know where the time has gone or how I ended up with a precocious (yes, PRECOCIOUS not PRECIOUS) and willful 11.9 month old. He is learning things and changing so quickly that I don't have time to keep up with him. I imagine it will be like this for the rest of my life. Watching my child grow up kind of reminds me of a whirlwind in slow motion. Time seems to move so slowly, but in reality, he is changing so fast. Each day he becomes more independent and he's not afraid to make his own way and do his own thing.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Just a swingin'

Since it was a beautiful and warm this weekend we took our first trip to the local park. We didn't stay long because it was a little windier and cooler than it was at our house, but Wyatt still got to swing a little. (Not that he seemed overly impressed by it). His attitude was more aloof and apathetic about the swing. (As you can see). Can a 10 month old be jaded by life already? I wanted to help him down the slide, but there were other children around, being rowdy as children are wont to do, so I decided sliding probably wasn't the best idea. Maybe next time! Can't wait til it's much warmer so we can go spend a bit longer. He may be walking by then!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Da Da Da