Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday Rambling

I just finished Jane Eyre last night or early this morning rather. It took me about a week to read it which is quite slow for me. The langauge, twists and turns of this book had me putting it down to give my brain a rest. Since graduating college I feel as if my brain is slowly disengrating due to lack of use. I find it harder and harder to concentrate. Maybe it's the overload of real-life stresses or the senior senlility that runs in my family has caught me in it's grasps early. (Grammar sticklers: please ignore my disregard of the rules of the English language. Most of my sentences will never have a comma, semi-colon or period in its correct place). Oh, back to Jane. Reading this Bronte sister novel was a stab at false intellectualism. I really enjoy reading grocery store, brain candy novels, so in an attempt to make myself feel less pedantic I throw in a classic every now and then. Many times this plan backfires b/c I can't seem to really enjoy them (or at least not all that I attempt). I have made several attempts and have partially read, highly regarded, novels in my past. Atlas Shrugged, Rebecca, Cat's Cradle... I vow to actually finish these one day. Jane Eyre was the best that I have read in a long time. (It will never overshadow my true favorites, East of Eden, Catcher in the Rye, Farenheit 451...etc etc...) However; Jane, herself, is inspiring. I wish I was that unwavering in my opinions and attached to my own morals. Instead, I am influenced (maybe) by our confusing, waffling, lax society.

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