Thursday, June 11, 2009

Poor Baby...

Today was Wyatt's appointment for his 2 month check-up / first round of shots. I was dreading all those shots. One shot in each thigh, I think about 4 different vaccinations and 1 oral vac. So much for such a tiny thing. It has been a rough evening that's for sure. My usually sweet and content baby isn't feeling well. He screamed and cried like I've never heard him scream and cry before. I am NOT looking forward to the next rounds of shots!

As far as everything else goes, he's doing well. He weights 14 pounds and 14 ounces and he's 23 3/4 inches long. So, he's in the 95% for weight and the 75% percentile for height. He's definitely chubby!

1 comment:

teesha said...

bless his little heart & yours too. hopefully the next round will be much much easier!