Monday, October 12, 2009

6 months believe it or not!

My little angel is 6 months old. It has gone by so fast and he makes us smile more everyday. I have to give kudos to my parents as I understand more everyday the trepidation you felt as you watched me grow up. How do you take care of someone day in and day out for so long, then have the courage to let them go? It takes my breath away to hold his soft, little hand knowing that one day (God willing) it will be the hand of a grown man. The miracle of it all humbles me.

He had his 6 month visit/shots today. That went as well as can be expected. He clocks in at 20 lbs and 26 3/4 inches long. The Monster Baby is slowing down. :)

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

Just watching how you and Brett take such wonderful care of little Wyatt and knowing how much you love him has made "letting go" worth it!!! Maybe we did something right during those "growing up" years. Ya'll are great parents and Wyatt is very blessed - but, guess what? It's going to still be very, very hard to let go when the time comes!
He's so sweet and precious!