Thursday, July 31, 2008

Excuse me, that's mine...

On my way home from work today, my boyfriend calls to inform me that my porch is now empty. Apparently, the ladies who were cleaning the apartment next door for the new tenant decided my 2 chairs and 2 tables should belong on their very own porch. Granted, the property manager gave them permission to take stuff off the porch, (which I unfortunately share with my neighbors) but my stuff was cleary on MY side. Near the entrance to MY apartment. This has not been the best week for me, so I was a bit miffed to say the least. I like to sit on my porch and relax at times and I need a chair to do that in. Upon getting home, I verbally accosted two of the cleaning ladies demanding to know how/where/why my property walked off my damn porch. They hemmed and hawed and said she didn't realize that someone lived there and blah blah blah. Apparently, the one who scampered off with it, lives out in BFE and won't be returning to town today. How would she feel if I went to her house and decided that I wanted her very own patio furniture? Maybe I should have left my dog on the porch and she could have taken that too. Or my wallet? People are so stupid. I wonder how they make it through the day. But, that's another thread.

1 comment:

teesha said...

so the purloined furniture is being returned to your possession?
i shudder to think of the idiots in this world.