Monday, July 21, 2008

Hamster in the Wheel

Once again, Monday has rolled around to torture us with it's endless hours and nagging back of the head ache. I wish we could do away with Mondays altogether, but then Tuesday would be Monday and it would just be an ugly cycle. Every Sunday night I (surely it's not just me though) fall into a deep dark depression about returning to the office (cell) the next day. I don't have a bad job's stressful at times, but relatively it's sane work. I think it's just the repetiveness of it all. The fact that I am obligated to show up day in and day out at this place with a semblance of a smile. There is no end in sight. Sure, I can leave this job, but inevitably it must be replaced with a different one. That never ending need of paying the bills will get you everytime. If only winning the lottery, hitting the Jackpot at the Silverstar, or becoming the wife of an Italian billionaire was truly an option. *sigh*

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