Sunday, July 20, 2008

Looking Out

One might think, after reading my first few forays into the blogging world, that I am a depressed, cynical Generation X-Yer. One might imagine that I while away my hours in a dark room, lit only by my laptop. Alas, that isn't true. I may be a cynic, and sometimes I do have my down days, but I like to think that I live a relatively normal existence. I go to work, the gym, the grocery store, I walk my dog, I pay my bills, I stay out of jail and the bars. I actually heard the words "crass commercialism" a week or so ago whilst walking on the university campus where I work. I guffawed inwardly. I really wanted to run after the two girls and ask them what they meant by that. I doubt that they even know what it means. I don't even KNOW if I know what it means. Those two words invoked in me a feeling of longing. Longing for the days that I could spout of idealistic ideas that I didn't properly understand. Longing for the time when I had so little responsibility that my conversations with friends consisted of meaningless words and titterings about our lives. Now, are so serious. We are still children in our minds, facing adult problems. A failing economy, pay cuts, divorce, infertility, raising children...the list could go on. Erm, I got off track there. My point is that I am not a miserable person constantly lamenting on the way things were and should be. I do smile and laugh and linger over the sight of sunsets. I just keep watch out for those wasps that sting you in the face.

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