Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Remember When....

Thirty seemed so old. Driving was fun. You hairsprayed your bangs. You rode around for fun (through Sonic). A six pack of beer had to be gained by bribing the oldest looking boy in your 9th grade class. You trusted people. You had no bills to pay. You played outside in 100 degree heat and didn't notice it. Your job was babysitting. You could spend the hours between 10am-6pm in the country club pool every day in the summer if you felt like it. You had to ask your parents permission to do anything. When Grunge was cool and Nirvana had videos on MTV. When Like a Prayer debuted on MTV and the Southern Baptists had a fit. Teddy Ruxpin. Gloworms. FraggleRock. Saved by the Bell. Cosby Show. Who's the Boss. 90210. Hypercolor T-shirts were cool.

Now. Thirty is coming towards me like a flat bed truck stuck on grease. Driving is too expensive. Hairspray gives me a headache, besides I have bangs no longer. I don't drink. (for many known and unknown reasons). I don't trust most people. Bills are everywhere. It's hot as hell. I won't even touch the job subject. The pool is full of 12 year old college students. My parents don't care what I do anymore. Fashion is insane and MTV only puts idiots on the telly. Southern Baptists still find things to go apoplectic about. There isn't crap to watch on tv. But, in my opinion hypercolor t-shirts are still cool. Just where to get one?

1 comment:

teesha said...

yeah. remember when there were actual videos on mtv?
gotta say i don't miss bangs though. especially not my afro version of them. ;)