Saturday, July 26, 2008


More and more these days I see things that make me wonder about people. Just yesterday I took an innocent trip to THE Kroger to procure the makings for a whole wheat pizza. I entered the automatic doors into the grocery cart area, only to be faced with a cart jam. A woman was trying to strap her toddler into the cart seat. You may wonder why this was irritating? Well, she decided to undertake this seemingly arduous chore right smack dab in the way of the entrance into the actual store. People were having to maneuver around her. I'm patient most of the time, so I shrugged this off and grabbed my own cart with the intent of going around her myself. Right at this exact moment, she apparently finished what she was doing and began making her way into through the doors. Ugh...she was a slow walker and so was her daughter. It was like they were walking through syrup with waders on. I had to trudge behind them for a good minute before I could make my escape around them into the produce section. From the looks of them they were making their way to the processed foods aisle. However; before I could take leave of my lumberous escorts another thing caught my attention. The daughter, bless her heart, was wearing a pair of shorts (I only caught a quick glimpse of them) that were so short they might as well have been her underpants. Granted, she couldn't have been older that 10, so it was innocent enough, but still. Why would that mother let her out of the house like that? What the hell? Her shirt covered up the shorts and it was a little too tight for comfort. Wow...way to encourage your daughter NOT to dress like a tramp in training. That was only the first two minutes in the store. The produce section proved obstacle free, except for avoiding eye contact with the young man who works in that area. He always has a stare and a smile for me and sometimes a comment about me "getting my workout on." The kicker of the trip, the crown of glory if you will happened upon check out. I experienced the phenomenon of everyone in the store converging upon the poor cashiers, which isn't unusal and not what made me go huh? I was standing in a long line, behind women who must work for a shelter or have a gaggle of kids, perusing the titles of the oh-so classic magazines. When what does appear? But a shiny, little cashier opening up another register. According to the rules of checking out, it would have been ME who got the chance to get into the other line. But, before I could make my move. The mother/daughter/grandson trio behind me took off for the register like Earnheardt JR takes off at the races. They were laughing manically at their coup. I was stunned. Did that seriously just happen? No one teaches manners anymore. I would say that girl's mama would be ashamed of her, but she was right there leading the obnoxious charge. I think I said aloud, (as I am wont to do when incredulous) "You are so rude." They didn't hear me though, which is all well and good..they probably could have kicked my ass anyway.

1 comment:

teesha said...

next time speak up so they can hear you hun! their atrophied muscles would be no match for you!! :)