Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Wrinkle in Time

We're always told that at age 18 we are adults, legally responsible for ourselves. Although, one isn't allowed to drink or rent a car or condo, at this age the government deems that we are grown. A grown-up. An adult. It's just a word without meaning until you give it one. I'm nearly 29 years old, I graduated from college many moons ago and I've been taking care of myself. Except, I always felt like I was floating along, not really able to join the adult world and standing on the sidelines, watching the younger crowd play. In between two worlds I stood, confused and scattered, not knowing which way to turn. My career is non-existent despite years of study in University, time spent in Foreign countries. I have come to the conclusion that I am missing some important adult, ambition gene. But, now NOW there is more on the line for me. I have experienced that moment in life that indelibly crosses you over the line from childhood to adulthood whether you like it or not. It can happen at any age. Despite your educational advances, level of social and economic responsibility, once God says it's time for you to have and take charge of another life. Game on. Grow up. There's no looking back.

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