Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Charles Wyatt Reed

He was born at 8.03 lbs and is now almost 13 pounds at barely 6 weeks! We've been blessed with a healthy baby so far. Let's hope he stays that way. If he keeps growing as quickly as he has been Mama is going to need a crane to pick him up!

I decided to bring the old blog back out to save myself countless emails sending pictures to the Grandparents. I'll update this as much as I can with new pictures and maybe some video. He's grown so much already it's amazing.


teesha said...

yay!!! he is more beautiful than ever. i love that someone got a pic of the scale. that's novel!

Unknown said...

I don't know if you remember me or not but I am a friend of your Mom, and my name is Becky Stout. Your baby and you are beautiful and I know Anne is so proud!