Saturday, December 26, 2009

First Christmas

We had a busy and wonderful first Christmas with Wyatt. Santa was good to us this year! Wyatt got many toys that should last him through a few stages. If he doesn't tear them up first. Right now the main objective is to take the toy apart, pick it up, or throw it across the room, whichever he can manage to do first. A little boy is nature's bulldozer. He's starting to explore so much and with that comes the bumps and bruises (which I hate). We've bruised our forehead and landed on our face (slightly busted lip) so far. Daddy is pushing for a helmet. :)


DeeDee said...

Looks like he's having so much fun!!! Love his little snowman pj's. Those bumps & bruises are a part of growing up!! Tell Daddy to "chill out!!!"

Marshmallow Circus said...

aww, he looks adorable in his PJ's!