Saturday, January 16, 2010

Three Months and Counting...

That's how long it is to Wyatt's FIRST birthday. 84 days til my baby boy is 12 months old. Each day he looks more and more like a little boy and less like a baby. He's sweet, rough, quiet, loud, stubborn, etc. He's always revealing new facets of his personality to us. He had his 9 month check up this past week. 23 pounds and 28 1/4 inches tall. He's in the 90% for weight (haha..I can hear the fat jokes now) and 50% for height. His head is 47 cm which is the in the 95%! That's why I've been struggling to put his clothes on over his head! He is getting a Bretthead for sure. He also got dry skin and eczema from Brett. That was his only issue at the check up. I've never had to deal with dry skin so it's a new battle for me. I think we are winning it now though. He looks much better. It's been a busy time for us lately with some adjustments, but we're making it through. I'll try to post some new pictures soon. :)

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