Saturday, February 6, 2010

Farm Town

I've been remiss in posting new videos. This is actually from December (post-Christmas). I haven't made any new ones recently. Life has been so hectic for us that there seems to be no time. I know - bad Mommy. I vow to try better. No, that's a lie. I may try to do better, if I have time or get a maid, which of neither shall happen (so there probably won't be an influx of new videos). I'm sure a snippet or two of time may appear in which I can grab a shot or two of this sweet little man and his most recent shenanigans.


Worrybook said...

That was adorable how his eyes lit up when the music started. He is precious!

DeeDee said...

He's so smart and so very handsome! What a sweet, sweet baby boy!