Saturday, August 7, 2010


Wyatt LOVES to throw the ball, he loves to say "ball" and he recognizes baseball on tv. Must be in his genes! This little boy is a NUT for being outside. I know that is a good thing, so I am not complaining. I like being outside and being active too. (I just like it a little more when it's not 100+ degrees outside). He isn't affected by the heat though! Ah, the joys of youth. He's been teething lately (it seems for the past month) but I am hoping we are coming out on the otherside of it. Today he was an absolute joy, no fussing or carrying on..just a happy little munchkin playing. Not that he's not a joy everyday, but every parent out there knows that fussiness is not fun to be around. :) Today is our wedding anniversary and Brett and I are so thankful to have Wyatt, each other, and, God willing, many more years together!

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

So sweet!!! And did you notice, he can throw with either hand. That may prove valuable one of these days!