Friday, July 11, 2008

Quarterlife Crisis

I just want to know when it ends. I mean really. I will be 30 too soon, my hair is turning grey, I complain about younger people and I have no desire to stay out all hours of the night. I'm getting older and reluctantly maturing. The bills keep coming, the responsibilites pile up and yet, I wonder, HOW in the world could I function if I had children or a husband to take care of. When does one really FEEL like an adult and quit feeling like they are playing dress up and one day someone will find out and send them promptly back to the children's table? We make all these life changing decisions in our early 20's when we have no business even being let out of the house. I am just now to the point where I feel like my head is screwed on tightly enough to pick out a decent outfit in the morning. The tornadic existence I have been in since graduating college needs to dissipate. Seriously, when do we feel settled?

1 comment:

teesha said...

let me know when it happens so i can know what to look for!!!