Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Sixth Sense

Maybe I am psyhcic. Maybe I can see into the future. All I know is that I knew this was coming. I think I knew because I am not a blithering idiot and I can read body langauge and oh...maybe I have ears that hear. I took a job back in November that I thought would be perfecto for me. I could actually use my education, helps kids, etc etc. Not so much. It's been one crazy thing after another. A month or so ago we had a severe pay cut, today I got let go because of another budget cut. Last hired, first sent packing. I know it's not a reflection against me as a person or an employee becuase I have given alot of myself to this job even though I didn't trust anything involved. I kept hoping that things would turn around and we'd all ride off into the sunset happily with our budget in place. Not to be. The prospect of looking for another job in this economy is a daunting task. I don't want to just take anything. I do have an education. Gotta pay those bills though.

1 comment:

teesha said...

hun, you will find something even more perfect & better suited to you!