Saturday, September 13, 2008 normally extremely dog aggressive FurChild (the black one) has made a new friend. Brett took Gauge out for a walk Friday night and was tracked by this little beagle who decided he was coming home with them. Poor thing is a little worse for wear. He has cuts and scraps and scratches and fleas..(ewwww.) And he needs to gain some major weight. You can feel his spine. Whoever had him before didn't take care of him (the bastards) and don't deserve to have him back. He's really shy, but really sweet. I've bathed him more than once, put some flea meds on him, we've bandaged up his leg and cleaned out his ears. He eats like there is no tomorrow. Brett just has to housetrain him now! Gauge is doing well, considering the fact that he usually tries to murder any and all animal in his path. He's a little jealous and there has been a growl or two, but I think it's because Gauge is a grumpy old man and doesn't want to be sniffed by the little whipper snapper.

1 comment:

teesha said...

oh. my. gosh.
so precious! now i know the story. hooray for gauge being on his best doggy behavior!!!!